Week 11: Judges 14- 1 Samuel 11
Reflection: This week, we journey through three significant books—Judges, Ruth, and 1 Samuel—that reveal the ongoing tension between human failure and God’s faithful promises. Judges ends on a somber note, declaring, “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25). This highlights the moral and spiritual chaos of the time, where the people repeatedly turned from God’s ways. In contrast, the book of Ruth provides a more hopeful glimpse amidst this apostasy. During the same period of the judges, Elimelech, in a moment of faithlessness, leaves the land of Promise to seek refuge in Moab—an enemy nation. Worse still, his sons marry Moabite women in direct violation of God's command (Deut. 23:3-6). Yet, even in their disobedience, God remains faithful to His covenant. From Ruth, a Moabite widow, comes a son named Obed, who would be the grandfather of David, Israel’s great king. This royal line, established through God’s providence...